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Oct 2015
M:Million lives were lost
A:And families were torn apart but
S:Still our courageous forefather pressed on,their
H:Hearts set on a goal freedom at all cost
U:Undaunted they fought to regain independence or die attempting
J:Justice evaded them and they were subjected to inhuman
A:Atrocities,captured fighters were tortured and women *****
A:A sacrifice was made so we could enjoy fruits of liberty

selflessly they watered this tree with their blood
some we never knew made sure we have Kenya today
patriotism was their heartbeat as they endured all
to ensure that our generation live in peace in this land
their dream we never hide our faces behind mask
of slavery again
today is the day we celebrate our heroes
the patriots who gave up alot to ensure
their offsprings have independence and
brought an end to colonialisation mashujaa means heroes
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
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