There is a rumour that Mother Nature spills it creeps among the clover and drifts across the hills. Spilled from beaks that peck the tiny pink it falls from open mouths awash with salty drink. These rumours fade every now and then then hide in the shadows waiting to emerge again. Then before it realises those rumours appear like magic their timing almost a threat and the result is tragic. The land moves closer like pennies at the bar tipping towards the edge then it has gone too far. Everything in its path then fall falling forever, now it is too late. The earth below is now another image it was in the rumour, its own fate. The earth's plate decided to slide had a bit of a shift around Taking no prisoners, it just moved a mud slide, above and below ground. It takes the decision whether we like it or not Nature, wildlife and humans suffer, has Mother Nature forgot. Forgot that changes matter everything has a consequence she is blind and very deaf to it and lacks the common sense. The shape of the coastline now a very different kettle of fish But why could she have not left it alone is what we all now wish. But Mother Nature appears to be selfish it suits its own little self Now the land above panics, sitting on Mother Nature's shelf.