I still want to hold your hand Ask where you'd want to go And follow you there
Give up all these city lights Lights, camera, pretty faces, and real estate Give up all these price tags Insecurities, and compensations
I still dream of looking for you And finds these dreams the sweetest For even a mention of you Brings warmth to my soul
Except, you would never remember me Since, I never truly met you For you were but a nameless, wordless Silent image Rushed by me in the breeze Now buried in the past Slowly fading, And here and there, Picked up again by the turbulence in time And pulling me back
I am still waiting Looking for And walking towards the edge of the Earth Hoping to be caught by a monolith before the fall Yet, knowing full well to have past it long ago Knowing full well the terror of the imminent drop But, unable to stop Unable to do nothing, but keep on walking Looking and Waiting For nothing but the fall.