Rucksack – Duffle bag – Backpack Packed Note books – Journal books – Poetry books Book books Tin cans – Pots and pans First aid – Survival kit Complete with fishhooks, fishing line, Lighter, matches of the waterproof kind Even a sewing kit Equipped With extra sewing needles, black thread, safety pins, Buttons, Band-aids, gauze, antiseptics, Burn cream Just in case it's ever needed Bucket hat Stuffed down somewhere deep A handkerchief – bandana too Flannels and sweater For cool weather Tennis shoes For when hiking boots Get too hot A few days worth of food Vegetarian – salmon jerky – chocolate protein bars Sleeping bag rolled tightly All slung heavily over my shoulder
“One fast move or I’m gone” Kerouac once said As he tried to run away from Crashing waves of stardom I just want to get away From crashing city noise And live life like a Dharma ***