This, is like walking through glue and when you look at a book you all judge by its colour or cover and you look at each other the same.
Name me one or two who have not set with the Sun and gelled with the glue and I know there are many.
'If anyone knows of a just impediment' claws for the pause and the applause may cause you to bow.
How to recapture the lusting for living among the hard faced uncaring because between the giving and taking the wire's electric.
We get the scene set and ready to go, this is like formula one but taking it easy and warming up slow, I don't know and I doubt you do too if the cover's the problem and if so who do we turn to?
I cram so much in my saddlebags and I water the horse. West of the Pecos which could be anywhere, if I try really hard and click my heels it feels like I'm back in Kansas.