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Oct 2015
When a newborn princess was
given your name, I smiled to myself,
"This child is in good company!"

On this warm October day,
fruition of good season
is in evidence all around us.

It is here with us in you,
dear Charlotte.

Raising sons, raising daughters
learning, teaching, first these
children, now their children,
and so many, many more.

Compassion and tolerance
find a rare and special home
in you, dear Charlotte.

My best friend's mother,
your deep wisdom,
lovely devotion to God,
bloom all around you.

Nourishing me so profoundly
these many, fortunate years
with your radiant, steady love.

Today is your day, Charlotte,
and wherever we are
we celebrate you!

Our hearts are made wiser
kinder, and stronger, by
all that you teach
simply being
dear Charlotte.
Β©Elisa Maria Argiro
Elisa Maria Argiro
Written by
Elisa Maria Argiro
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