these mischievous children run away in the loquacious dark chasing lithe-clothed, supple-limbed girls whirling up and about the prairie of these versifications without home in mind or remembering — (the home of my mind wary of the past and its old cobwebs, or the slaughter of ordinariness with a dull blade poised to cull, these mindful creatures assassinating diaphanous muses disrobing themselves, serpents shedding their integuments.) oh and when they return home sullied, after a day's squalid scamper past the muck, the twitch of atmosphere, the horizon ladled with clouds in white metamorphosis, i remove their clothes and send them to the fences of sleep — impish dream-callers, yes I am the father of these words and they flourish, swelling up, learning to harangue their own father, sending him to borderless retreat.