Though the courts say in God we trust There ain’t no justice for us Cos we’re forced to plea bargain a bust Which adds to our general disgust It’s the lack of parity When it comes to sentencing see While others routinely walk free If it’s me they throw away the key
How come I always get the max Regardless of the given facts Is it any wonder why I can’t relax Would you if the deck’s always stacked I’m robbed of my liberty And my labor is practically free I’m locked up in knavery Though it smacks back to slavery
Innocent until proven guilty Never applied don’t cha see From the moment they knows it’s me Facing the charges that be I’m given exorbitant bail So I cannot get out of jail And it’s foolproof guaranteed not to fail Because justice has an unequal scale
Guilty or not of the crime Nine times out of ten you’ll find I’m somewhere up state doing time And I’m used as a paradigm For what’s wrong with society I’m the poster child don’t cha see So they point their fingers at me Despite the disparity