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Oct 2015
I want to be the one you tell your drunk stories to
The one you tell every secret to as if it were a casual conversation
I want to be the girl that you smile at the thought of
The one person that's always on your mind
I want to be the reason you look at your phone and smile
I want to be the person you go on crazy adventures with and tell everyone how great they were
I want to be the girl you Skype for hours and then call when the connection fails because all you want is to hear my voice
I want to make you smile when you see things and think of me
I want to go to coffee shops we've never been to and find antique stores worth exploring
I want to talk about the universe and why you believe in God
I want to interlock my fingers with yours and go for a walk down the beach
But more than anything I want to tell you that i want all these things, and I want to hear you say that you want the same.
Written by
Meredith  NC
       ---, NV, mk, L, Rj and 13 others
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