I had a question burning on my mind And I thought maybe to pass the time I could write it down on a sign And ask the passing souls.
My intentions were pure I wanted to know I would discover whether from above or below And with the answer I then would know The fate of the passing souls.
I took my sign to the busy street Where there are many hands and many feet And with my question I did greet A many a passing souls.
The answers did differ I can tell you that Some laughed while others answered back Still some just stared as though words they did lack Oh the many a passing souls.
I was taken aback by the answers I received With some I implored and with some I did plead I cried “listen to me, won’t you please!” Oh lord save the passing souls.
Not all accounts were bad, some were quite good I received a hug from a man in a hood Although by the end I understood The hearts of the passing souls.
So at the end of the day, I folded my sign I gathered my things and with tears in my eyes I turned towards the street and I said good bye With no love from the passing souls.
I wrote this after spending an hour on Rue Sainte-Catherine in Bordeaux with a sign that read Qu’est-ce que L’amour?