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Oct 2015
Two is
the number i can call you and me
Two is when one is weak
enough to hold you
that's why here comes another one
to stand for the truth

Two is the pair
not on how i'm in such despair
but how i fall into infinite collisions
that brings my eyes unto
the one who's inspiration
keeps my self stable
with no question

Two are you
when all i had to do
was hide
from the moment everything seemed to collide
when my eyes agreed to snap ties
with someone i did not apparently want to incline with

Two marks how many hands i have
one to hold yours and the other for me to keep
both to clasp for me to pray

Two is the day
You tagged me along
to pray
when my faith was hanging
like a needle lost in the stack of hay


i didn't mean to bargain
or intrude
but praying for the truth
is it really you?

sudden questions appear and take over
when finally answered
i jump quickly into conclusions,
or maybe that's just me

but i realized
two is to take time when things aren't meant to be rushed

two is when i just needed time
two is when all i had to do was be totally fine
fine with all of this
not for me to throw
something that doesn't actually need to be thrown away
in the dusk
of the sunsets,
is when i know
that tomorrow the sun will rise
like how my feelings will
when i see you

talk about the perfect price
the price to be with you
is enough for me
sometimes i can go on and on
but i realized
and all i can be is just
stay true?

Still the same,
inspired by the same guy.
Louise Galang
Written by
Louise Galang  19/F/Phil
   Elizabeth, Ghazal, ---, Jasmin and mickey finn
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