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Sep 2015
Taking my last breath
I guess the inevitable " Death "
Not ever being able to catch my breath
Having to dance my last dance with "Death"
Leaving all my friends
Not being able to make amends
Not being able to feel the summer and winter winds
Being conscious and knowing I am close to the end
My soul not knowing where to go
It being caught in limbo
Not being on God'sΒ Β list
Never again being kissed
Not being missed
That sure would make me ******
Getting buried six feet under the ground
People stepping on my grave mound
Not ever hearing another sound
Not being able to fool around or to run around
Not being unaware
Not making it upstairs
Being kicked downstairs
Not ever feeling love
Being in the dark
Not ever hearing my name MARK
I guess you figured it out
Scares me.
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
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