Smells like the smoke coming from the 24-hour 711 next to the fright train like the walk home from the part time job past the house he used to live in like the cookies we made but never ate like guilt slipping from cover like I almost let it show Sounds like daddy's cancer like driving on the freeway with no music like not speaking like I don't know how to like every ride home from the hospital like the fireworks we lit a few months back in our front yard like the mistakes I called choices Feels like the first boy I let have me vulnerable like the meeting of hand to face like shaking shoulders into apology like the forgiveness crawling from his lips like my tongue unfurling with remorse coming too easy like my voice echoing I'm sorry like it is something I will always be Tastes like swallowing a pill backwards like Fireball mixed with the thick of cough syrup like holding back a ****** nose like vicodin dust between broken teeth like waiting for another winter Looks like leaving the front door open for the air to come in like the snow building a cast around our insecurities like it's never been this cold before like this Chicago is a stranger we never loved like the ****** he tried just once like how once can be enough to **** us like all the questions we never got answered like when will the branches stop cracking? what makes a flame keep growing? and why are these memories still breathing?