You see the blank white of canvas Stretch beyond horizons reach As simple line edges make the image A two tone, grey-scale; Bleached
For the world is empty, too empty When it has lost all colour and complex line Harsh edges form definition But even those will fade with time
As i roll over in this barren expanse And see every impression where you lay Draw out the shape of your figure with my fingers And watch it all just wear away
As time erodes everything Every pencils soft grey line Even the vibrancy of chromatic life That seeped in like ink; when you were mine
Unlike now; Now my world is a stark grey Of charcoal and harsh paper white I always did love these desolate sketches And playing with dark and light
But my artists hands have stilled so Because i cannot draw all that i feel This emptiness and loneliness Not even my words feel real
As i reach out for 6 strings Canvas and pencil Paper and pen I beg of you to let me sing In colour and shape again
Not in these cold White, bleak voices That fade my image And become a minds haze That hollow my eyes And whiten my face When in a mirror i gaze
For i find i am lost In a deep abyss Since you took it all away Come on, get a grip! You are worth more than this, Don't let them steal your face!
But all i see is the blank white of canvas Stretching on and on out of reach And you look at my world of new work And wonder