They fear me What they fear is my strength They fear my capabilities I surprise them with audacity In challenging them mentally They fear confrontation They fear creativity They fear natural aura They fear that I overcome hate with love, Anger with kindness They fear my boldness They fear I can think on my own What I represent frightens them Black-bold-brave I am a threat to the system of conformity I am a threat to the world system They blame me for riots- revolts-revolutions They fear my conscious approach They fear that I love myself that I am still\natural in – Skin tones- hair- eyes- principles- values- standards They fear that I am not a replica I am firm in the choice of music I am self-motivated They paint me to the world as a rebel and terrorist Is it true what they say? That I- bomb countries and taking lives Have I invaded? Did I ****, ******, genocide, extinct Have I disrupted lives? Have I killed? Was it I? You know most of all what they fear It is what they paint me to be is untrue Therefore, they slaughter us Turn others of our own kind against us Why do they do this? Because I am different Difference is something they fear.
All rights Reserved. Christena AV Williams
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