I swear on my grave That this will be the last time I write a poem about you
I swear that this Will be my final release Me letting your memory go Let some other girl spend nights thinking about you
I swear to myself That this stream on consciousness Placed on paper will be the last time I waste words on you
I swear to you that this Is the end of my feelings That that pang of sadness That twist of the knife will go away
I swear to Gods that I don't believe in That I will use this as an opportunity To learn to love myself and not Some boy who will give it all away
I swear to everyone that I won't look through the poetry I wrote about you, the words you stole from me The time I wasted, stringing words together about your smile
I can swear all I like But here I am, crying at 10:07 Writing yet another poem about you I swear that I'm a liar