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Sep 2015
She's waiting for his call, and with it will come her feelings
He abuses her, hurts her and breaks her down
But when she hears his voice she can't help but cry
all the times she was taken off the ground, all the times he never told a lie
Why, baby, why?
Why did you change?
Was it something I did, anything I say?
Why, darling, why?
Answer me this, why did I become your powerless so controlled *****?
Why do you yell, why the frustration?
It seems your care has taken a vacation...
Im crying, and screaming
I want you back
I feel so lonely, I look so sad
I'm trying to move on, with someone good
But my heart is saying no
And my brain is saying I should
These feelings are so mixed
Like they've been put through a blender
I want my heart to be fixed
But the chances are slender
I need a cigarette and a second to think about this to give my stress a reduction
But my feelings are on the brink of my own self destruction
Anastasia Anderson
Written by
Anastasia Anderson  Magnolia, Tx
(Magnolia, Tx)   
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