my frolicsome feet can only imagine with their bones the dream of what venture requires me to go farther to reach you.
it is with each step that these passing trembles conclude their premonitions.
it is when my hands wind-hover in thick space that my mind levitates itself and lifts to draw with a shaking hand, its own topography.
(x) is your place (y) is mine and somewhere in this haphazard equation is an algorithm that makes sound as all the circles are small without sides, and all shapes continue to break without form, encircling us now are the shards of this equation's fervent stridence.
all of this is stellified without mind's authority - only a heart's persistent longing and a trifle of courage, when these sordid amplitudes flounder to no swaying, there will be bridges for me to stride on so as to close the distances and silence the enigmas with their sought-for answers.