Can I ask you a question? Do you really love me? Can I have a second of your time? I just want you to spend time with me Can I have your attention? I want to tell you how you make me feel Will you please answer the phone? I want you to know that these feelings I have are real Will you please sit with me? I just want to hold you in my arms Will you spend just one night with me? I just want to hear your heartbeat so do not be alarmed Will you take a walk with me? I do not want to be alone Will you spend forever with me? My heart could be your home Will you smile for me? Your smile always brightens up my day Will you hold my hand and never let go? I don't want you to ever go away Will you please just relax? Listen to me when I tell you that everything will be fine I am not asking for much I am just asking for a little bit of your time
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: December 19, 2011 Monday 2:22 AM