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Oct 2011
Screams that go unheard
Day in and day out
When will this end?
Every nightmare of the devil
Placed along my shoulders
Is it too late to save me?
An innocence ripped apart
Burned to ash
Broken so far beyond repair
A justice impossible to find
The cold descends upon me
I see my shattered soul lying in wait among the shadows
Where have these angels been?
They left me here, stranded
They stole from me, my hope
Hid it away just as I am from the world
Fear, riddled through my bones
Hell here on Earth
Forty four days become the longest of lifetimes
A seemingly endless eternity conquered by pain
By heartache
By blood, freshly spilled
Drowning me
Caught between the world of the living and the dead
A terrible limbo
Relief no where in sight
Please, why won't you take away this pain?
Please, why won't you save me?
R.I.P. Junko Furuta
Written by
       TheWitheredSoul, Ken Pepiton, Khaab and Saumya
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