these recurring fires, these moments blank with stark, shrilling air. the already memorized movement of the clocks and what these dictate us to be. over life's ferocious waters and the undertow of tranquil, what is in it for me, that the world continually hurls forever a hand that is not mine? a kiss that is someone else's? a glance that is not for mine unquenchable thirst? these cities tender with foolishness these sick, marauded streets with faithless crowds waving empty bottles at the sky like a sordid army marching through the marshes of this empty life!
what is in it for me that the world continues to plod with inquiries but does not flourish with answers? that when time speeds right on by, the youth is culled out of the gardens waiting forever for wisdom to fall like rain over these scrunched flowers! what is in it for me that there are forever the shadows, and the gamblers, and the brutal game of life that we only know in death, in hate, in love? these words start to seek their fathering answers and now we are embroiled in a fortuitous enigma that in the imperious nebula of life, when these tender loves and lives start to wax in the same orbit finding paths, we will continue to be stars clinging onto each one to form a single light that could beat the darkness.