Reality, truth, realization, of what?
Can anyone point out the fun of it all.
Inspiring it seems
from a distance though,
doesn't everything
we do not know?
Years, does it take to
reach that threshold.
Once there, what be it,
that we hold?
TRUTH, they say is what
one shall behold.
Unknown realities, or just
facts gone cold?
Albeit a beauty
it shall be,
expectations and beyond,
one would see,
but where again, would
he want to be?
Within true tales
or fantasy.
Before this, thus, the legend says :
"Unfathomable are its ways,
Its beauty and its tales,
to uncover thus, takes a sage,
not what a meer thinker might gauge."
Hence the truth glares at one's face,
a grin so frightful, hard to face,
then the legend one reads again,
for fright and delight,
are naught for the sage.