I've been struggling lately I've never felt like I was worth much So the idea of suicide was always in the back of my mind There have been times where breathing even became a burden The nights when I didn't sleep became unrelenting Normal everyday conversations took all of my energy I didn't really see anything in me And when it came to Kai I gathered all my life just so I could keep hers going Until I ran out After losing her there wasn't much left of me I have a friend who has been trying to convince me to stay But I have one broken heart and one stubborn brain But she is beautiful with a smart mouth and when she talks, I listen And if she can see something in me then I should be able to see something in myself Life is meant to change Every day Every second The more you fight it the more you hurt yourself I've hurt myself for far too long She told me that if I left, she'd be heartbroken Just like I was when Kai left I know suicide is the wrong answer to a question with multiple solutions I'm slowly regaining my life I have to use what's deep inside And continue preventing suicide