When you're a child, hotel rooms are magical, a place for pillow castles and blanket superheroes; When you're a child, an empty paper towel roll is a telescope or sword, Excalibur in disguise; When you're a child there's a man who runs on the telephone wires as you watch from behind car windows; When you're a child you're told to act your age and grow up, to behave, sit nicely and mind your manners if you want special privileges.
So you do what you're told, and you grow up.
But when you grow up, hotel rooms become places for weary collapse in the stale cigarette burned blankets of a cheap road trip motel, or intimate rendevous with someone you can't take home. When you grow up, an empty toilet paper roll is a reminder that you need to get groceries but you're running low on cash and payday is in a week and why don't we have any clean rags in this house? When you grow up, you forget the telephone wire man because now you're driving and so help me I will turn this car around if you make one more sound back there! When you grow up, you wish you didn't have to act your age or be grown up, you grumble at your boss and swear at the guy who cut in front of you because who the @#$% does he think he is?!
They don't tell you that when you grow up, you might lose your wonder.
9.10.15 Obviously growing up isn't always as gloomy as all this, and there are plenty of childlike adults or serious children out there.