It's a bumpy ride This journey of life Some twists and turns At times it seems slow But never when you want it to
There's a dark wood ahead We all must pass through And how you do the journey The path you choose Determines where you end
Through the shadows comes the light Every darkness eventually turns to day Even if you can't see the glow It's there, just waiting for you Because you have to go to it
Life waits on no one Not even for a moment It teases you with flirtatious ease Jading you as your sense of time fades And you forget what you are searching for
Just keep moving forward This too shall pass It's okay to be sad But don't forget to be glad Tomorrow is another day
It's not about dodging your problems Or taking the easy road But about love and friendship and family And the joys, whether simple or complex Learning to **** up the bad stuff and move on
Make the most of your life It isn't a gift to you but your gift to the world The only things that are impossible Are the things you believe you cannot do Along this road, only you make the speed limit