Pardon my quietness, I despise my voice. If I should speak, pardon my choice of words describing, revealing my limited noise (making re-flexing mouth) flapping vowels, such so I entertain entertaining, as if to test with a swift jest People I share acquaintance best.
Yes! I admire your curiosity, much to mine, if a human being be a free creator divine. But no, even so, with all your spying... (arid lure to my breathless life you are denying!) Just what information can't you stop eyeing? ... Stop! Your clever charms don't twist my arms. Look away! Your beguiled style doesn't drive me wild. Oh please! Your confidence appears dense. But dare I? Your belligerence must penitence. ... To what avail unveils this reveler so surreal? I hang all my vulnerabilities on display; Pick thy weapon, strike alas and dismay. No business transactions here t'day.