Aging is one if the more difficult aspects of life. By the time you are in your 50s You wonder why your life looks so protracted. It seems you were 25 just a few seconds ago.
More people your own age are dying Or they are suffering from chronic illness You know sickness and old age are inevitable You know your prayers for good health will be denied. You can reduce some aging by exercise or diet But in the end, even the most meticulous of us, die. Your 70s don't seem that far in the future Especially if your parent died at age 58.
There is no guarantee that you will live to 70 Or any age, at all. You have sick friends and you know they are going to die And leave you alone. My best friend is in failing health. My spiritual teacher has recently died My husband has chronic illness He got a blood clot, and that could have killed him. There is the reality that I could have easily lost him.
Im not feeling any special purpose in life. So I can't preach. I'm trying to keep fit, and to chase old age away For awhile. I meditate upon nothingness I practice Mindfulness. I recognize you have to have faith in God Even if you become old and sick It's nothing personal. We are just destined to have sickness and old age.
So, truly, if you are young. Enjoy your youth. Soon enough. You will be in your 50s It happens in a flash And our lives are minuscule Compared to the aging Universe.