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Sep 2015

I do not speak Spanish,
but (pero) I say-
**** these borders
(chinga las fronteras)
that keep us apart.
I do not speak Spanish
pero (but) I feel the pain,
know the horrors
caused by
****** (E.E.U.U.) imperialismo.
I know a few words of Espanol
and I often sound funny,
y people say I speak
with a Yankee accent
(Si', es verdad)
pero in mi corazon (heart)
yo se (I know)
we, all of us,
(todos los gente)
must change the world,
make a communist revolution
and build a better world.

~~written 1.29.12

"NOTE:  Revolution Books, in NYC used to have
a Spanish speaking  open mic. At one of these events, as I listened
to the different poets read their poems, I wrote this and was
asked to read it. The translation is mine.
Aztec Warrior
Written by
Aztec Warrior  NYC
   ---, --- and Tommy Jackson
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