Have you ever felt like you were falling and you couldn't seem to stop? You see the past flash before your eyes and you try to grab onto your favorite memory so you can cherish it forever but as you try to grab it the memory slips through your fingers like sand? This fall has made you speechless. It practically took your breath away. You don't remember what made you fall, then again, you don't really want to know because you're afraid of what you will hear. When I fall I can't control my landing. It is either soft or it is painful. Usually my fall ends with me lying in a black hole begging to be saved yet no one hears me. I forget who I am so I let my mind slip away. I lose track of everything until I am no longer the same. My life is like a long fall sometimes. Sometimes I land in death. I can land in water and drown or land on a cliff busting my brains out. I like the part when I die especially when I don't have to suffer. Not only does the world make sense but that means that my fall is finally over.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: June 21, 2011 Tuesday 10:19 PM