Within the glowing warmth Of twilight fires I know familiar and comforting the gentle touch of your fingertips tingling like tiny electrical pulses trickling to my most wanton senses. desire and need for you replaceing dreamlike contentment.
I know the toutch of your lips on mine the feel of your hair falling on my skin the warmth of your breath as it mingles with my own At a time when even our lifeblood flows as one.
I know the feeling of softness that can be transfered into a raging torrent as my fingers touch your skin the need of you burning like a firebrand as I must submit my soul to for a moment of your comforts.
Iknow the taste of you comingled like tropical fruits of passion that you feed to me slowly as they are soaked in the sweetest of the summer wine. I savour each of your flavours like my last meal In my mortal life
I know the emptiness as you take all my passions and drain the last of them into you as I suffer the death of contentment all my fires quenched by the moisture of our passion.
I know these moments are ours I know they exist outside the realms of dreams. I know that I find inside them the power I need to tread the weary footpath of life's journey