When a poet cries, tears are his words, and so many are coming from this poet, as I write looking for a rhyme because my heart aches so much it seems a crime. This paper is my sleeve, wiping away the tears that form a delicate weave deciding what to say about her, each teardrop with a life of it's own as they fall down on to the paper. I will continue to cry until the right words are found, because my love for her was not a gift to be given, it was a love that wanted to be accepted and accepted I thought it was when she said to me, "Could you really be the one I've searched for in all of my sixty years," the one I've dreamed about and shed so many tears?" going on to say, "thank you Jesus for this man I've looked for so very long and I will treat him like the gold he is and sing my happy song." This love I'll never lose I thought, and this is a joy I cannot refuse. But her parting left in my heart a big hole and she does not wilt at my cries and I know she does not fret, for in her I found reprise. The love she gave me I won't forget, but my loneliness harms me, becoming darkness, a broken heart startled into awareness. I am horribly ashamed because I find I've gotten lost with no one to find me, but I only blame myself. Mornings are the hardest for me because she is all I see in my thoughts, but by afternoon the pain is mostly gone but thoughts of her never leave and I continue to grieve. So happy for two years in what now seems such a short time and now all I am left with is a rhyme. Jon York 2011