Minutes matter when You are sitting on The other side Of the bathroom door
Minutes matter when You have to hear news From the doctor About what is wrong
Minutes matter when When what you think you know Is something Completely different
I had a dream last night I was dressed all in white Clothes like the angels wear There was a baby in my arms Safe, sleeping, breathing, warm Then it was gone I don't know where it went It was just a dream And like all dreams It had a meaning But this one was Lost on me
I was moving Down a corridor The wind was strong In my dream Where I was going I don't know But it didn't really matter I saw their faces Blurring as I moved past Full of emotions Sadness, pity, fear They knew something That I didn't
When I woke From this dream I knew nothing So it would seem I had my visit I heard the news My minutes passed And I was changed Yet still the same Now I understand What their looks meant They already knew That my minutes were spent
Because of what I can't control These faces and eyes They won't see me whole Judging me Never letting it be I wish I had never asked I wish they didn't know Just one little thing Changed my life
So take this time Think a while Ponder your minutes Before they expire Use them up Fill yourself with love and living And don't waste your time or else Life is rather unforgiving.