I need a kiss or at least a hug someone to hold me tight and say its all going to be alright. or even a quick I love you honey.
the kids are sick again the dogs got fleas my husband is moaning his dinner is cold.
I mess up the tv remote he laughs condescendingly and fixex it in a heartbeat I want to dump the lot of them and run away to live in the islands
The next day I get splashed by a rude driver mud all over my new coat. is this all there is?
But just as I reach the point of despair. I pass a dress shop window full of size zero manequins with skinny superior looks. All dressed in designer dresses.
And i see my reflection. My hair wild and free flowing in the breeze. I look fantastic the great woman my mom brought up. the woman I want to be. She is fantastic awesome. I smile and wave at her. and shout silently. I remember you honey.