Teacher Most people hear that word and think of school A cheap, meaningless word Until you find the real teachers
The people who teach you about life Teach you about love Teach you about yourself You.
You don't even know it Did you suspect it would turn out this way when it all happened? Did you ever think that you wouldn't completely destroy me? For a while I was a mess Crying, wishing you to say But knowing you wouldn't.
One thing I learned was that you always kept your word.
Slowly, slowly I kicked and screamed my way out I wasn't trapped by you anymore I didn't know what was happening. You ******* everything up and made a mess in my life when it didn't even involve you
Another thing I learned was that someone else can create the demons, but you can make them stay.
But now? I'm okay. Not fine, but okay. I'm over you That part was the easiest- I know I'm better off. But I'm still picking up the pieces of the mess you made in my mind.
But if there's one thing I've learned One thing that overpowers everything It's that I've found myself Losing you was worth it.
So maybe a broken friendship wasn't my teacher. Maybe I'm teaching myself.