When I'm angry I cut. When I cut it's like this high. I feel everything that's eating away at me inside come out of me through one cut. I bleed and it doesn't hurt. I feel relieved. I feel like I can breathe and I suddenly have the energy to carry on when really I just want to give up.
When I'm sleeping I dream. I dream of a world where stereotypes do not exist. Everyone is happy. Everyone is faithful. The economy doesn't ****, the president is someone you can trust and everyone is getting along. No one is emo, no one is ghetto, no one is scene. You're just yourself and you're accepted because you're fine just the way you are.
When I'm content, calm, speechless, sad, or nervous I write. I write about things I can't say in person. I write about thoughts that interfere with my daily routine. I write about my fears, my insecurities and words that when I look at them, they form an understanding to who I am but when others look at them they have no idea what I am talking about. Writing gives me the time to be myself. Writing is a part of me. It is me which is why I do it everyday.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: March. 25, 2011 Friday 1:35 P.M.