The Lunch Today I ate the worst meal for years, dry fried liver and burnt onions with a salad that tasted of fish because the cook had used a fish knife to cut the lettuce. I didn't like to make a fuzz but left no tips and on the day sun was too hot and I felt miserable.
There was a time in 1946 when poverty washed the cold shores of my country that I would be happy for a meal like this it was a time of mass migration and I remember a mother and child I think they were Slavic dressed in rags, there was no work and had to go newspaper rounds to make a little money, yet she did the couple a few coins
Europe was awash with migrants, there had been a war but people were protesting they had little food and didn't want to share any of it yet there was no open hatred. Is it not odd to think that my country that is rich now and its people are full of hatred against migrants and a right wing party shares power with a fascist one, yes it is sad when we lose the ability to be human and show no sympathy for those who flee wars in the Middle East and Africa.