Elections have come and gone And we've all said baba Praying within the confines of our heart that we've not enthroned another usurper Hoping that joy and comfort will not once more elude our grasp Our taste bud has long been wetted by empty reforms and unfulfilled promises By the politivians, judisharers and the legislooters Parading the runway of power Displaying their naivity in running a nation in a manner so amazing and discomforting It makes the thought of paradise less appealing But now The rulers are leaving the scene for the leaders to come in And the people are getting more conscious of the power we wield in unity We've gathered our brooms and we've entrusted it in your hands Believing that you'll lay the foundation of a better nation Baba now that you are there Let the focus on the food we eat be more important than that our vehicles consume Baba now that you're there Let the national cake be the lot of every citizen and not selected elites locking around the corridors of power Baba now that you're there Let me be proud to die for my country Without being fearful of how my family will survive Baba now that you're there Let me be able to display my identity in another land without fear of interrogation or prejudice Baba now that you're there Let progress, excellence and success be the right of every citizen regardless of their tribe, religion or background Baba now that you're there Let there be change.