It's not fair, really. I'm sorry I can't stop the unending anxiety It's not even your fault. It's hers. Much like those face books posts, Damaged women who can't trust The "crazy" women who refuse to trust. I'm the same. She killed the steadfast trust I used to have. I'm a groundhog. I poke my head out scatter at the first sign of trouble And hole up inside my head all alone. I'm sorry. I have these hard days I have these days where it's hard to trust. It's not your fault but you're stuck with me. I'm trying so hard to change. I'm a cat. I thrive off of the affection of my person. I'm skittish. When I'm scared I try and make myself look bigger. This isn't me. This isn't who I want to be I wish I could take a knife Stab this anxiety Strangle these trust issues. Free myself to love you without a single fear. I'll keep dragging my feet I'll keep checking my phone. I hope you're having fun. I hope I can relax today. I'll keep my fears silent. And I'll work at trusting you more I'm sorry I have these days of weakness. It's not your fault. I'm a guppy In a lake of anxiety sharks It's feeding time And here comes their attack.