I love you. I love the way you feel, sitting close to me in the comfortable darkness. I love the movie playing in the background- I love the actors, the music, the scenery. I love making jokes about the characters, punning on the dialogue, pointing out holes in the plot. I love crying at the sad parts, laughing at the funny parts, and laughing even harder at the parts that aren't even meant to be funny, just because you're there with me. I love my friends, who sit and laugh at us, make fools of us as we make fools of ourselves. I love the refreshing taste of the cool soda I'm drinking, the crunch of popcorn as we share a tub between us. I love this quaint, little scene in this quaint, little place in this quaint, little town in this crazy, big universe. I love everything about this moment. I love so much. But how long will I have to go on Until I can finally say I love myself.