Every night his apparitions appear and they're getting darer by the day (sorry, by the night).
Her fault she didn't tell him to go the first few days on the southern window rather she felt bad as he stood out there thought it better to offer him chair.
His hesitation stoked her kindness not much she would lose if sat face to face recapitulating life they were together barring the first few spent talking the weather.
Once in the room he gave her his ears (or so it seemed) as she talked of loneliness with hint of tears blinking and nodding an occasional sigh but not once offering a courtesy of reply.
He would sit unobtrusive in the gentlest manner till his proposal last night dropped the sky on her (sorry, the ceiling) the first words he spoke shattered her peace
May I Diane, offer you a kiss?
She fumbled to decide an aye or a nay silence was all her voice could say the apparition rose to grab the moment reading in her muteness a loud consent.
Since then she is wondering if she can boast of having been kissed by one now a ghost or hide within her as an indelible shame an indulgence that could earn her bad name.