I got a plan You all are part of my caravan My cousin went to Paris, France Here was my chance I told her to bring back a Paris Cap So what do you think of that? But thinking now, I should have asked for the foundation of the Eiffel Tower Now that would have taken a lot of power My cousin couldn’t store it in our bag Perhaps top security and that would be a drag My next idea was to take the Eiffel Tower apart piece by piece This is some plan I love Lucy show would do But I wouldn’t expect my cousin to pursue But the French would be losing an art I would really be telling the French, the Eiffel Tower must depart Yet I must be clever and smart However, would I place instead? Why not a Giant Crepe Suzette Do you think the French would notice? Obviously they would It is my thinking of should Then the possibilities of could I guess the Eiffel Tower I will never get It was a hope but now a regret The Eiffel Tower being its Paris stay and being my let.