My Grandfather’s knowledge being a preparation to achieve Through my Grandfather’s guidance, a method in how I should proceed It was pick a word from the dictionary, and find out’s its definition and add to vocabulary My Grandfather taught me typing everyday for 4 hours He wanted me to be able to type to perfection The obvious being the indication Inspiration coming to participate My Grandfather wanted me to be up to date with business affairs This was my Grandfather’s philosophy he wanted to share He often said whatever young people are doing wrong, and I wanted you to be educated where you belong Then it was off to College in getting Higher Education to preserver All the above I did I have no regret and thank myself for making the try But my Grandfather wanted me to have more So it was the Piano and ***** he wanted me to explore The Career my Grandparents wanted to too strive was to be a “Court Reporter” Well I didn’t go quite in that order I wanted to go into a totally different field It was to be a “Broadcast Journalist” which I felt would be ideal However I did achieve in business detail My Grandfather and God are who helped me preserver My Grandfather’s motto, “You are going to remember this old man” He is in Heaven but he was the truth in my establishment caravan.