One Thousand hands holding One Thousand suitcases stuffed suffocating One Thousand costumes and memories tethered to expectations, One Thousand pieces left behind that would not pass inspection like fragments of self and habits to lean on, One Thousand pairs of waiting eyes wistful and worn and wondering about One Thousand ways to say goodbye, One Thousand stories swimming in minds reasons to stay devouring reasons to depart parsing apart One Thousand unfinished thoughts stacked upon each other as layered remnants of crumbling towers, One Thousand coterminous beginnings and endings swallow One Thousand middled narratives, the taste of One Thousand lives flavors the air circulating in One Thousand lungs huffing the breath of One Thousand neighbors estranged and silent save One Thousand unsynchronized heartbeats bleating and bleeding and belching One Thousand rhythmic intricacies into One Thousand hands holding One Thousand suitcases.