The implementation of vowels The flirtation between us and them ...between me and you...
Sometimes I don't write Sometimes I bleed And sometimes I don't write to everybody I certainly do not bleed for everybody Well here is a ******* secret Sometimes I bleed just for you
But you wouldn't know that Have anyone told you that you are an idiot? So that makes me an idiot. Right?
Like you know how after reading A really inspiring quote or phrase Written by a wise white dead man (because they all seem to be) You feel excited and intrigued and special and feel like you actually can do something...
Sometimes, I wish you were that old inspiring quote And make me believe And make me feel like I can actually feel special for once
Did you know There is a division of happiness: that one's happiness may be raw and inflamed within the moment, a streaking comet which will grasp the ******* world in such raw vigor, such wild, unpredictable beauty
And there's the other: Happiness derived of meaning. Thoughtful, Level headed, Guided by purpose, Standards, To thrive upon thresholds to be content within oneself to serve the greater good...
The thing is The difference between Happiness, and, well, Happiness...
Is that one is selfish. And one is selfless. It's not rocket science:
To ******* take. To give away.
Sometimes, I write to everybody Occasionally, I write to nobody.
But one thing I do is bleed I think maybe it's time to see the trail I have left behind.
And guess what? It won't be difficult to see it, I promise.
Writing clears my head, and sometimes it's easier to understand when I see my thoughts as a visual representation. But hey, I guess that's why we are all here.