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Nov 2010
A meaningless, endless journey,
which brings you through treacherous terrain,
and leaves you, faint heartedly exhausted.
This place, will spit you out raw.
Contingency breaks any man who dares enter,
almost torturous, to those not exempt.
The strong, emerge weak,
and the weak, are provided with knowledge,
of those who have, and will, destroy.

A sour breath, and a nauseating exhale,
a meal fit for a king, stands strong in your shoes.
Feeding on strength, and conversing with those afraid.
The right way to act will get you killed,
and the wrong will save your life.
When one never knows their fate,
the savior will always be too late.
The end, could have never been predicted.
Your breath will be drawn from your lungs,
as if some unknown force, is taking your life.
When you feel the devils cold hands,
Grasping your throat, and stealing your soul..
Will you beg to be forgiven?
or give up your life, in false honor.
With the right choice, so obvious,
your last breath is stolen.
A life, is not worth what one has.
Greed, desecrates a life's value,
a lesson you, could never learn.
- From Improvising.
Written by
Elemenohp  Calgary
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