Smooth talk and irrelevant lures blinded me from seeing what others perceived
My anxieties vanished when those misleading lips of yours pressed against mine
Once letton go i knew all I heard where lies
To be honest, You're the only one I've ever spent this much time and effort on
Endless marathons of movies Late night dinners Our 3 am conversations Weekeneds spent getting to know each others families Silent afternoon walks
I was convinced you and you alone would make me happy I was convinced we where meant to last because you promised me I was convinced I couldn't let you go because than you'll let your self go
But you dug your hole deeper You took my second chance for granite Controlling me because you thought I would keep on following You believed I would chase after you like any other girl
Little did you know I'm really "not like other girls" I'm a strong independent women I don't cry over a man I don't beg him to stay and I sure as hell don't let him walk all over me