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Jul 2015
Mark 12:30-31

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than these.”

Well I talked with this person
About being a Christian
He explained he was agnostic

And told me that
He thought
The teachings
Of Jesus
Were wise

But he could not
Believe in the
****** birth
Or resurrection

I told him that was
Fine with me
And we could
Still be friends

I told him
"It's so easy, don't you know"
To show the love that Jesus shows"

He laughed and
Said I was a bit
Of an idiot

Nobody cares
He told me
And he said
I should
Just mind my
Own business

Don't go out of
Your way he told me

Well I told him
That in my life
I have found
That most people
The love I showed

Like how I always ask
How the gardener
And his family is
And how I offer
Him fresh fruit too

In the Christian's mind
Every thought
And action
Being written down

I told him according to Ecclesiastes 12:14

"For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."

Well he enjoyed being
An agnostic
And I respected him
For it too

God can't be
Proved or disproved
I know

I just told him
I rather liked the
Idea of all lives
Being written down
Into eternity

And I told him
Well I just thirst
For judgment

People have done
Such evil
And terrible acts
And didn't care
At all

I told him
That I was quite
Pleased with a judgment day

With those people
Who had repented
Being separated
From those who had not

When in the Book Of Revelation
The Angel of the Lord
Came and reaped the earth
Separating the harvest
From the chaff
The chaff cast into the fire

Well he'll always be
An agnostic
And that's fine with me

He respects Jesus
And what he taught

If you're an agnostic
Or atheist too
I do respect you

I know many people
Will mock me
For being a Christian
And I'm okay with that
Written by
Matt  34/M/Los Angeles
(34/M/Los Angeles)   
   Blurryface, --- and Camron Elliott
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