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Jul 2015
I told mi amour' this morning
I didint want love no more
And that I didint believe in it anymore....
As I told her these things
I felt the pain ripple from her soul,
Not realizing at the moment what I just did.
I realized at the last moment
I said all these things from mine own
Fear's of losing her,
Mixed with the demon's around here telling me different..
Because people don't realize,
Demonic forces and being's art real ( as mi amour' doth knoweth)
And they canst maketh thee depressed, hurt, angry, think things we normally wouldn't think at anytime.....
So to mi amour',
I'm sorry mine love for telling thee I didint want love no more
And saying I didint want to be with noone no more...
Fact is I want thee,
I need thee, as thou knoweth,
I'm in LOVE with thee to mine soul, from mine head to mine toes,
To mine eyes, dripped to mine bones ..... Thou art mine all, life and world .. I just wanna know I'm thine only one.. Even though just friend's ... When I start thinking the way I did today, just please as you'd want from me.. Shut me up, telleth me thou loveth me and thou only wanteth me, and If thou canst for now on... Showeth me thy all..  I beg for It. I needeth it..  I yearn for it. And thee to... Everyone knoweth were in love... Everyone except Maby a few. I just want thy all, so please forgive me for acting as I did mi amour', thou art mine only girl...
Mine ocean
Thou art mine sea
I am thou,
Thou art me...
I loveth thou
Thou needeth me,

Please forgiveth me....
Mi amour'.....

For that just wasn't who I am to say all those thing's this morning,For I'm the biggest romantic out there.. Lol doth thou really think I'd tell someone ( meaning thee) I don't want love and don't believeth in it no more??? Not me!!!!!!! Not who I am!!!
The demon's that cometh around ...
Influence in the worst way,

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry....
A asking for forgiveness from mi amour
Don't care if others think I'm nuts. Spiritual demons are real and can make us do things we wouldn't do... I have proof they are more than real from all the sounds me and family hear, from orbs we see, or full apparitions, voices just in ear, or out loud where whole family hears it at once, physical scratches I have taken... Though they hate when I pray to Christ... Thats the only name they hate. And they leave ... To christ I ask to make them leave...  As also mine mother yelled at mine father this morning for nothing .  me and her both acted not who we are due to demonic forces that came in.. But prayer to God and saging the house was needed.. And they left our house for now.. But they will be back... They hate gods children.  !no joke... And so many wonder why so much depression and doubts in the world... Can thank demonic beings for that..  No depression pills gonna help you.  Only God will.. And for those who think I'm nuts I happen to have a radar free app that's 100 percent real . and does tell me when spirits are around and I can feel it even don't even need app. But when I turned app on it showed me asap when. I got off texting with amour that there were three spirits in me presence so yeah I know that so does mum to... From how both me and her acted this morn .. So sorry mi amour
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
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