I have a daughter Jessica just as sweet as she can be And every time I look at her she is smiling back at me
She gave me all my grandchildren with the joys that each would bring Her face is bright as morning dew like the first breath of the spring
A pixie of a girl for sure who weighs but a hundred true Yet has a heart larger than mine or any I ever knew
Each time we stop by to visit she suspends rules of the house Lets me do whatever I want the same as her loving spouse
Of my children she is the one I have not done justice to The truth be told it's all my fault oh Jessie I do love you
Of late I had jessica and the kids over. In our conversations I realized I had been remise. I had neglected my daughter Jessica. Of my three children she is the only one I have never written of. Yet though I had not honored her with anything. She had given to me most of my happiest memories of late. I can't remember a time when I saw her that she didn't say "I Love You ' to me. She is the mother to Payton, Landon, and Eli my grandchildren. I am sorry. This is my fault. So Jessie I stand before you a repentant father and ask that you accept this from me as the first installment of what will likely be many more. On another point here's a cry from me that feels more like a plea. "Frieda please come home"