Here was the friend that heard the cries from the monster under the bed Who stood watch over her at night just to scare away fear and dread
Through all the pain and the laughter he's shared the pleasures and the tears Watched over her every day as the months have now turned to years
He is privy to her secrets none of which he will ever share The lifelong friend, who in the end is her very own Teddy Bear
He takes the blame for toys left out while passing her a knowing wink The mess was his upon the floor and the dishes not in the sink
His the last face she sees each night a smile, greets her every morn Their's is a friendship born of love the bond that will never be torn
In the four years since my granddaughter was born she has had a Bear. This bear stood her in good stead through laughter and tears. He was there when her father died. He dried up all the tears that they both cried. He has slept beside her every night and played with her everyday taking on any roll her skits called for. Payton is rarely seen without Bear.So when her mother called to tell us Payton had taken Bear to show and tell at preschool I had to smile. For here is the repository of all her hopes, dreams and fears. All contained in the little bear with the big heart.